You’ve landed here because you’re a resident of Devon or Somerset and you’re interested in the new data hub coming to the region.

What is a ‘Data Hub’?

Good question! It’s very much down to interpretation but the new data hub coming to your region has been designed and scoped in consultation with experts in the visitor economy, tourism, and economic development from across the region and around the UK, led by data analysts and software developers with experience providing similar systems in the UK and abroad.

The South West Visitor Economy Hub is an online database that securely stores a vast range of data from many different sources and turns it into meaningful analytics that help tell a story and help guide strategy.

I’m a resident in the region, is the data hub good news for me too?

Yes! You’ll have the opportunity to share your experience of the visitor economy in the region too. Sustainable tourism is more important now than ever before and understanding how your local tourism offer affects you, as a resident, is invaluable to the local businesses and organisations operating in and around your locality.

With the data from resident feedback to the Hub’s ongoing surveys, businesses, such as attractions and restaurants, and tourism management organisations in the region can make sure they’re serving you as a resident, as well as visitors from further afield.

How can I keep up to date on the Visitor Economy roll-out?

Sign up to our mailing list here or follow us on our social media channels.